Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is my order coming from?

A: Orders are shipped out of Toronto, Ontario.

Q: What are your hours?

A: We are always open, unless we are sleeping or at hockey practice.

Q: How long after I place my order is it processed?

A: Orders are processed within 1-2 business days.

Q: How long does shipping take?

A: Due to the unfortunate circumstances due to Covid-19, shipping is slightly unpredictable and can range from a few days domestically to a week +.

Q: Where do you ship to?

A:We ship to anywhere in Canada and the United States. 

Q: What happens if I provided the wrong address when I ordered?

A: If an order is returned to us due to an incorrect address, we will refund you the original order, minus shipping and ask that you re-submit your order with the proper address.